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DeFazio Releases Letter Claiming He's a Firm No �
March 19, 2010
Dick Morris Is Optimistic
I don't know if I believe him. He tends to offer up the most optimistic projections possible -- he has predicted, for example, that the Republicans will take the Senate, which is possible but still seems pretty unlikely. I always worry with Dick Morris that his predictions and reports are, um, tailored some to please his clients. And we're his clients.
But he says he has a report from a top Democratic leader that they don't have the votes:
From a top level source in the House comes the news that the Democrats are still short of the 216 votes they need to pass Obamacare. They have decided, however, to go for broke on Sunday and attempt to pass it whether or not they have enough support. They feel that only by forcing a vote can the force members off the fence. They hope that by employing all means at their disposal, they can round up enough votes for passage. But, if they don't have the votes, they will allow the measure to be defeated. One source called it a "suicide run."
But that was sent out six hours ago, too.
Keep the phone lines hot, he advises. Indeed.