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March 19, 2010
Crazy Lib Peter Defazio (D-Ore) Says He's Not Happy With Medicare Outcome
Keep in mind he's a waaaay lefty Dem, but he's stompin around about the Medicare spending issue and wants it fixed (he also wants a public option, he is not our bestest friend forevah).
I think all this manuevering by left Dems is pure posture, when it comes time they will vote for the thing because they are committed statists first.
Still, if he puts a pill in that gums up the works later, well I'm just fine as hell with that.
ALSO. Granny Rictus tells Bart Stupak and his band of brothers to piss off.
That really doesn't encourage me in the short term, she knows she doesn't need them (or peeled a couple off).
In the long term, yeah, I like the stark positioning required to make her declare this. You keep on irritating the populace Nancy. You go girl.
UPDATE: Pelosi working her magic.
horrible dreams courtesy of Slublog, who can't sleep now so he sees what we cannot
Hamlin needs to hold fast and swing right. Just sayin.

posted by Dave In Texas at
12:30 PM
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