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March 17, 2010
John Adams Sues Government For Information On Use Of Drones In War On Terror
Via John Noonan, it's not Adams himself but his modern day incarnations at the ACLU.
Seems the group filed a Freedom Of Information Act requesting just a few details about an ongoing, top-secret set of programs. Surprisingly, given the predilections of the current administration, the government didn’t want to give up that information (or just hasn’t responded fast enough for the ACLU) so they are suing in federal court.
In particular, the lawsuit asks for information on when, where and against whom drone strikes can be authorized, the number and rate of civilian casualties and other basic information essential for assessing the wisdom and legality of using armed drones to conduct targeted killings.
"The public has a right to know whether the targeted killings being carried out in its name are consistent with international law and with the country's interests and values," said Jonathan Manes, a legal fellow with the ACLU National Security Project.
"The Obama administration should disclose basic information about the program, including its legal basis and limits, and the civilian casualty toll thus far."
Oh is that all they want to know? Well asking questions about on going military operations is simply in the finest traditions of American justice. I mean, where’s the sport in going to war if you are going to hide information from your enemy?
What possible reason is there for the release of this information other than to hurt US anti-terror efforts and give the jihadis propaganda talking points?
I understand that in a democracy people need to know what's being done by their government to make informed decisions. Thing is, everyone knows the broad outlines of the program...we fly drones in and around Pakistan and Afghanistan. When we find bad guys we blow them up. Sometimes we are wrong and civilians are killed. How much more do you need to know if you support the idea or not?
Refresh my memory, who exactly elected the 5th Columnists at the ACLU to take it upon themselves to dig up all this information and disseminate it to our enemies? Of course it’s unfair to attack the lawyers who are doing this, I mean you can’t judge a lawyer by the cases he takes or the causes he decides to serve. Or so I’ve been told.
They aren't anti-American, they are pro-terrorist.
All I could think of when I saw this story was a skit from Saturday Night Live back during the first Gulf War...
Yeah, the press was so bad even SNL (including Al Franken) made fun of them.
posted by DrewM. at
01:17 PM
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