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March 16, 2010
Census Reminder: You're An American
If you are so inclined to participate, the correct answer to Census Question 9, which asks about your race, is to check "Some other race" and fill in "American." We don't need no steenkin' official racialism from our government. The shameful division of Americans into skin-colored interest groups only encourages racial discord. And the use of Census data to apportion votes by drawing congressional districts is, in the words of Justice Thomas, political apartheid.
I was reminded of this today because I'm filling out my census questionnaire. I may or may not be filling out every question...
LATER: Alright, alright. The lawyers are crawling up my ass so, for liability purposes, go here to get the full skinny on what information you are required to provide on the Census and here to get Mark Krikorian's spin on it.
Civil disobedience sometimes comes with consequences. Otherwise everyone would be doing it all the time, or something like that. I know I'll see all you guys in the camps.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:03 PM
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