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The state of ClimateGate today, Mar 16 2010. [krakatoa] »
March 16, 2010
GTFOOH: Democrats Want to Talk about "Tea Party Etiquette" (BUMPED)
Wow. That's a heckuvan evolution from "the mob" or "terrorists" or "racists" or "like the KKK" or "evil-mongers" or "they want to kill the president" or "traitors" or "Neanderthals." Not to mention "tea baggers." Those are the things that Democratic congressmen—not just the press or Lefty bloggers, but actual congressmen—called us over the past year, mostly from August to November.
But now, the Speaker's office has issued a pathetic memo on "Tea Party Etiquette", suggesting that the Tea Partiers be welcomed and reasoned with. If you didn't know, tens of thousands of Tea Partiers are expected to descend on Washington today to make their displeasure with ObamaCare known.
Allah suggests that if you find yourself in a Blue Dog's office, you ask about a few things:
Be sure to ask (a) what Pelosi’s bribing him with; (b) why, if Democrats are so confident about cost control, they had to rig the estimate on the first decade of costs by delaying the program’s start by five years (in fact, just hand your rep a copy of this); (c) how he/she can be so sure what’s in the bill when they’ll be busy writing it right at that very moment.
Other suggestions?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:54 AM
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