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Whip Count: Pelosi Needs 25 out of 29 "Maybes" To Break Her Way »
March 15, 2010
More Nomentum: Jerry Costello Flips "Yes" to "No"
Drew writes to say he's lost track, and I have too. I'm in the middle of a whip count update, but for now chew on this:
.S. Rep. Jerry Costello says he opposes the health care overhaul bill in its current form and is unsure if the proposal will pass the House if a vote comes this week.
The Democrat from Belleville tells The (Alton) Telegraph that he's concerned the Senate bill would allow public funding for abortions and cost hasn't been fully determined.
Costello was also one of the Stupak Dozen that Democrats spent the weekend saying doesn't exist. Oops.
What It Means [ace]: We were already sort of counting on Stupak's Dozen to flip. If they don't flip, we can imagine that Nancy Pelosi could get a the few votes from hardcore progressives needed to pass this.
But the Democrats have been proclaiming -- hoping, really -- that even though they're giving the Stupak Dozen the finger, they'd come home in the end and vote for the bill anyway. Most of them, anyway. This undermines that. Each of these on-the-fence guys keeps seeming to declare "No."
Stupak says his guys will vote no, Pelosi and Waxman say that ultimately they'll vote yes. Stupak seems better at prognosticating.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
02:15 PM
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