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March 15, 2010
Obama: Bring on the bribes!
WASHINGTON Still seeking votes for his proposed health care overhaul, President Barack Obama appears ready to reverse his position and allow unpopular deal-sweetening measures in the hopes of finding Democratic support for legislation whose future will be decided in coming days.
Increasingly eager to finish work on his top domestic priority, Obama was set to head to northeast Ohio on Monday with a final sales pitch for health care legislation that the top Democratic vote-counter in the House said lacked support to pass. Obama's top political adviser, David Axelrod, said he was "absolutely confident" the measure would pass during a make-or-break week that already saw the president delay his trip to Indonesia, Australia and Guam.
"This is the week where we will have this important vote," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said. "I do think this is the climactic week for health care reform."
Clinching support, though, might require Obama to back away from his insistence that senators purge the legislation of a number of lawmakers' special deals.
Taking a new position, Axelrod said the White House only objects to state-specific arrangements, such as an increase in Medicaid funding for Nebraska, ridiculed as the "Cornhusker Kickback." That's being cut, but provisions that could affect more than one state are OK, Axelrod said.
Once again, this puts the lie to Obama's repeated statements accusing the GOP of standing in the way of healthcare reform. This bill is so toxic that the president is reduced to bribing members of his own party to get them to vote for it.
Just when I think the Obama administration and Congress have reached a new low, they prove me wrong and keep digging. This is a remarkably cynical move by an increasingly arrogant president. (h/t: Allahpundit)
Switched out the 'shop for one that better reflects the nature of this president and his administration.
Update - The candy store is open! In addition to the kickbacks, Democrats are offering campaign cash and working with drug company lobbyists to sweeten the deal for those still on the fence.

posted by Slublog at
10:18 AM
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