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March 14, 2010
"I Wouldn't Vote For This If You Put A Gun To My Head"
So obviously we're not talking a holdout House Dem on Obamacare.
No, it's Republican John Boehner on CNN talking about Obama's campaign promise to close Gitmo, which isn't any closer to happening now than it was when he took office.
"Obviously, there are a series of issues related to this, some of them legislative, that have to be dealt with," senior White House adviser David Axelrod said. "We have made good progress. You know, when we got there, the legal status of many of the people there was unclear. We had to go through a process of really sorting all of these cases out. We are beginning to work those cases."
Words which no doubt calm the nutroots. We're just sorting things out is all.
I wonder in the world of "what ifs" what things would be like if Obama wasn't the fumbling idealogue he is, but instead was as smart as Clinton was when it came "self-serving self-preservation"?
I'm kinda glad Capt. Bullshit makes it a little easier on us, in that regard.

posted by Dave In Texas at
04:19 PM
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