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March 14, 2010
Gibbs: HealthCare Reform Will Pass Within a Week
Bold words from Baghdad Bobby Gibbs:
"We'll have the votes when the House votes, I think, within the next week," Gibbs said on "Fox News Sunday."
Gibbs added that those on next week's Sunday talk shows "will be talking about healthcare not as a presidential proposal but I think as the law of the land."
President Barack Obama will look to campaign on the new healthcare law in midterm elections, Gibbs said.
"We believe healthcare reform is going to pass, and once it passes we're happy to have the 2010 elections be about the achievement of healthcare reform," Gibbs said.
I suppose there's no other spin he can put on it, since his masters demand that he stand in front of the cameras and smile every day. But Gibbsy is simply out of his mind if he thinks that passing the Democrats' healthcare bill is going to be good for his team in the 2010 elections.
This "projection" of the White House is so far from reality, it can only mean that they're still trying to pressure reluctant congressmen into voting for it. The thinking is that if they repeat and repeat that this will be good come November, maybe a foolish congresscritter or two will actually believe it.
I wouldn't get too worked up about his claim that healthcare reform will pass within the week either. First, he's just repeating the White House deadline in other language. Remember, first the deadline was March 18. Then, when that clearly wasn't happening, the President delayed his trip to Australia until March 21...seven days from today. Also known as a week.
Second, Gibbsy is credibility-challenged (and how!) as a general matter. But even within his statement this morning, he's not given us any reason to believe him. His delusional "this is good for us in November" statement has no connection to reality. Nor does his claim that the president will campaign on it during the midterms. Not with every Dem candidate fleeing from him after his disastrous performances in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.
So, why should we believe Gibbs' simultaneous claim that "this will pass within a week?"

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:23 PM
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