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March 10, 2010
Oh, Dear: Reid Promises to "Reform" Filibuster in Next Congress
I emphasize "next Congress" because the majority then just could be the GOP, and this is a great softening-of-the-ground for the GOP stripping the Democrats of the filibuster.
I also think it's hysterical that Harry Reid still thinks he'll be part of the next Congress.
"The filibuster has been abused," Sen. Harry Reid said at a reporter's briefing this afternoon. "But next Congress, we are going to take a look at it. And we're going to make some changes in it.”
Speaking of Harry Reid, do non-Nevadans realize the Democrats' most likely candidate for governor there is one Rory Reid, son of Hapless Harry?
He's doing better than his dad -- he only trails GOP rival Brian Sandoval by 18 points. He also trails GOP contender Mike Montandon by five.
I really can't wait to gang-tickle the Reid family in November.