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Ummm...regarding that "Consent Of The Governed" notion. »
March 09, 2010
Maybe-Nomentum: Wisconsin Democrat Says Break The Health Care Bill Up
Democratic Congressman Steve Kagen (he's also an MD) voted yes on Pelosi-Reid-Obama Care in November, now it sounds like he's having second thoughts.
"Let me put it this way: you're asking whether or not I trust the United States Senate, where they came up with a deal for Nebraska that the other states didn't get; where Louisiana would get a special deal. No, I don't trust the U.S. Senate," said Rep. Steve Kagen (D-8th District). "So I think I'd like to have a vote on something very meaningful."
Kagen said the health care bill should be split up into smaller bills.
"I have made the case to the speaker and also to the White House that we should take small pieces, small bites," Kagen said. "In the practice of medicine, I can't give a child a big pill. What do we do? We cut it up into pieces. Let's find things we can agree on."
It's not a Yes-No yet but it's clearly not a given that Pelosi still has all the yes votes she had last time, even without Stupak doing his abortion compromise dance. House members know the chances of 'fixing' the Senate bill are pretty much zero. They are going to have to decide if they can live with it as is and defend it back home, Cornhusker Kickback and all.
via @braddayspring

posted by DrewM. at
12:47 PM
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