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March 05, 2010
Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition
Hey all it's Friday at last. Oh and did I mention that this week was National Procrastination Week? Well I meant to so better late than never.
Are Your Ears Still Young?
Test Your Hearing With the Teenager Audio Test
Most humans are born with the ability to hear frequencies from about 20 Hz (low) up to 20 KHz (high) but that range shrinks as they get older. By the time they're 25 many people can't hear any frequencies above 15khz and the highest audible frequency continues to decline as they get older. Most of this is due to aging although prolonged exposure to loud noise will certainly reduce your hearing range too. For some reason men's hearing range tends to shrink faster than that of women. And supposedly audiologists can tell if someone is a veteran (and sometimes their specialties) by the very specific notches in their hearing range.
Well recently teenagers have taken advantage of this by using 18khz ringtones on their cellphones so that their teachers can't hear their phones ringing in class. And if their teachers are much past college, they probably can't. Of course this works both ways - stores have recently begun installing devices like the mosquito which emit a loud tone at around 17khz to discourage teenagers from hanging around in the parking lot.

So now you can take the Teenager Audio Test here and see how good your ears still are. If you want to find out what your upper range is you can test your hearing at different frequencies here. And you can download a wav file here that has a sliding tone from 22khz down to 12khz with a voice over announcing the frequency.
And to cheer you up further here are 5 Signs you're getting older.
WTF - Teenagers Getting Drunk With Booze Soaked Tampons
So just doing shots is considered too slow and old school?!? Why not keep a little dignity and just inhale your alcohol?
Why women's feet are always cold
Supposedly women are up to nine times more likely to suffer from cold hands and feet than men. I always assumed this was due to body mass and fat percentage, but according to this article it's due to a difference in blood circulation. As I've explained many times to the ladies in my life - I don't enjoy being cold so if I don't happen to wear hats/gloves/long pants/jackets/parkas it's because I'm not actually cold. No really I'm not.
The Ideal Nazi Soldier was actually half Jewish
His picture was even used on recruitment posters. But he was kicked out of the German Army in 1940 on Hitler's orders barring soldiers with any Jewish ancestry.
15 Things About Breasts
That you should know if you don't already. Also 12 more breast facts (NSFW)
Yahoo group. That is all.
Tonight's post brought to you by Maureen O'Sullivan and daughter:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:07 PM
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