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March 03, 2010
Mitt "Red Meat" Romney Writes A Book Attacking Obama
And we all know who that benefits.
In his new book, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney accuses President Barack Obama of providing “kindling” to the “anti-American fires burning all across the globe.”
The book “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness” hit shelves Tuesday, and in it Romney focuses much of his time attacking Obama’s foreign policy.
“Never before in American history has its president gone before so many foreign audiences to apologize for so many American misdeeds, both real and imagined,” Romney writes of Obama’s overseas trips. “It is his way of signaling to foreign countries and foreign leaders that their dislike for America is something he understands and that is, at least in part, understandable.”
...“The time has come for American schools to once again systematically teach our children about the heroes of the battles that won our freedom and about the heroes that fought in the wars that gained liberty for millions of people around the world,” he writes. “The multiculturalism movement must be unmasked for the fraud that it is. There are superior cultures, and ours is one of them."
I know a lot of people have doubts about Romney, myself included, but those excerpts are simply magnificent, and anyone who denies it is not to be trusted as an analyst (and if you don't get that reference, you're new around here, aren't you?).
Mitt, what to say about Mitt? I want to like him, I wanted to fully support him in '08 but never quite could.
On a tactical level, he's a great candidate in '12. Politics is often about reacting negatively to what you have and wanting the opposite. If nothing else, he’s the anti-Obama...solid, proven track record of business and government success, steady, etc. If Obama is going to be vulnerable it will be because people regret taking a flyer on the new guy and they'll want a guy (and sorry but I do mean guy) out of central casting. That's Mitt.
As for weaknesses, well they are certainly well known, though mostly they represent a problem getting through the primaries. The abortion flip, RomneyCare ("I like mandates") and his religion.
Personally, the abortion thing doesn't bother me much. I thought the idea was to win converts. If you rule people out who come over to your side from ever getting your support, what's the incentive to do it? Besides, his story about how he came to change his mind strikes me as reasonable and something a lot of people who aren't totally committed one way or the other can relate to.
As for 2012, Republicans have a history of nominating people who have waited and earned their turn and Mitt is definitely well placed to claim it's his turn. Love him or hate him, you have to admit kicking Obama up and down the street while preaching American exceptionalism is a good way to win Republican and conservative friends.

posted by DrewM. at
12:56 PM
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