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March 01, 2010
Overnight Open Thread
Monday all.
The official Man Card site is now online!
So no more having to fax or mail in forms. You can now order your Man Card and man card accessories online as well as get official rulings on behavior such as watching figure skating without a female present. And you can even file appeals for card reinstatement directly on the website and pay using credit cards or paypal.
There's even an iphone application for on the spot emergency Man Card revocations. Of course if you are in danger of losing your card, the wisest route is to let a trusted fellow moron or moronette hold it temporarily until you come back to your senses - there's a lot less humiliation and fees this way. (Thanks to MichaelInMI)
Global warming claims its first victims
Of course they were nutballs who used AGW as an excuse for what they wanted to do anyway. Just like Al Gore and the rest of the climate cabal.
Oh well Ace already covered this so consider this a repost.
UK Bill would ban all open public WiFi hotspots
Because someone might possibly use a public network to download something that's copyrighted. And that would be so horrible that everyone must be inconvenienced to prevent it.
The man who broke into Auschwitz — and survived
Denis Avery was a British POW and in 1944 he traded places with a Dutch jew and snuck into Auschwitz to see for himself what was happening there. Why did he do it? Well one clue comes from his childhood:
He also had an affinity for the underdog. As head boy of his school, he used his physical strength to protect the weaker boys. “If there is one thing I’ve always abhorred it is bullying,” he says. “I could dish it out back then. Legislation wouldn’t let me now.”
The 7 Stupidest Ways to Accessorize Your Car
Yeah more than 3 bumperstickers implies nutjobbery. And that's true even if I agree with the stickers. Oh and having seen a shot-up car before, I'd say the bullet hole stickers are fairly accurate.
The Underground Dwellers of Las Vegas
Humanoid but not cannibalistic. Yet.

Miami considers a ban on feeding the homeless without training
Well they are known to bite and occasionally kill.
The Top 5 Winter Olympics Fashion Faux-Pas
Just because you're a world class athlete doesn't mean that the rules of fashion don't apply to you.
Has Lacewigs moved over to doubleplusundead?
Well that's what they're claiming.
The group thingy. You can figure out the rest.
Tonight's post brought to you by healthy foods:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
09:37 PM
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