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Obama Now Underwater In Every Bush-State He Flipped to Blue in 2008 »
March 01, 2010
Are We Tired of Obama?
Yes. We are weary of him.
In a year we've endured the sublime rhetoric of his awesomeness, his amazing ability to do absolutely nothing, his appointments, his speeches, his appeals to his mandate.
And we've already grown tired of him. We Americans I mean. In one year.
In my lifetime, I have not witnessed this particular type of popularity cratering since Jimmy Carter. When Carter actually began to govern, with his milquetoast "sweater" admonitions and style, the nation cooled to him faster than penguins on ice.
He is still appealing to his personality and amazingness, to pass the most godawful piece of legislation to hit the pike, perhaps even as a "hey Hillary, here's how it's done" ramshackle FU to the majority of Americans who want no part of this garbage.
Ace has mentioned my concern, that given this confluence of events, the opposition is taking the long view, and the long view is "pass this piece of shit, it secures our future".
I would like to be wrong. I've been wrong twice today.
Don't think I'm wrong about this though.
tip from the Man of Substance

posted by Dave In Texas at
04:43 PM
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