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February 22, 2010
ACORN Cracks...Dissolves National Structure
Not going away totally, just running back into the shadows.
"Consistent with what the internal reccomendations have been, each of the states are developing plans for reconstitution independence and self-sufficiency," said the official, citing ACORN's "diminished resources, damage to the brand, unprecedented attacks."
The new organizations, he said "will be constituted under new banners and new bylaws and new governance," he said, consistent with the recommendations of an outside panel.
Much of the group's strength lay in its local chapters in places like New York, which appear to be continuing to operate as normal. New York's City Hall News reported today that the local group there had re-emerged under the name "New York Communities for Change."
They'll be a bit harder to ferret out and to tie together when one chapter does something awful (and you know they will) but the fact that they were forced into this is a great victory for Breitbart and company. A little over a year after seeing one of their kindred spirits settle into the White House, ACORN has had to run off and hide.
As always, vigilance is the key.
posted by DrewM. at
03:38 PM
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