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February 14, 2010
You're not lazy, you just have "sluggish cognitive tempo disorder"
The American Psychological Association has just come out with a new Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
...Symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo disorder include passiveness, dreaminess and sluggishness - traits that could easily be confused with laziness. [indeed, I fail to see any difference what so ever - PA]
With other potential new entries including sex addiction [can I get a prescription for hooker therapy?] and adult tantrums [in the vernacular, this is known as being an "asshole"] , there are concerns that the revised manual will trigger a boom-time for drug companies [really? ya think there's a buck or two to be made selling speed to lazy people?].
But the American Psychological Association, which compiles and updates the manual, says that the new disorders simply reflect changes in society and the way we live our lives.
People who whine constantly may be suffering from negativistic personality disorder, while those prone adult tantrums can take comfort in the diagnosis of intermittent explosive disorder...
I plan to invest heavily with whoever manufactures placebo pills,
and speed.