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February 13, 2010
UAH shooter also shot/killed her brother
Covered up as an "accidental" shooting even though multiple shots were fired and she attempted to carjack a passing motorist.
Of course the detailed case files conveniently went missing. Congressman Delahunt (D-MA) who was the DA who swept it under the rug was "unavailable for comment".
Apparently she also thought the chemical engineering professors were making their classes too hard to make life rough on Biology students. The soft bigotry of low expectations.
I found that rather odd. I actively sought out the toughest professors in my later undergrad and grad school years. Its been my experience that the tough ones are the ones who really care. Giving away A's doesn't do anyone any favors. I had one who's tests were so brutal, nobody ever scored more than 25% on one. People avoided his classes in droves, but I signed up for every one I could.