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Overnight Open Thread »
February 10, 2010
The Spirit of Bipartisanship
Karl Rove thinks I'm wrong, but put me on the side that says "negotiating with the President at the desperation show is a bad idea." The only card Obama and the Democrats seem to hold is this incessant nag that "Republicans are obstructing progress."
And that seems to be about it. Which every poll we've seen for the past 6 months indicates that a majority of Americans are just fine and dandy with (us doing all that obstructing.)
Why cede that advantage? As has been pointed out a gazillion times (by Chuck Todd even), Republicans do not have the votes to obstruct a damned thing. Dem infighting is obstructing "progress" on health care.
Other Dem operatives are testing for more salable points, like Paul Begala crabbing about insurance companies on Imus' show, but that's a loser. A majority of Americans have already evaluated that claim against what they fear they will lose, and made their choice.
I think Obama could have made this sale, that those darned Republicans just won't negotiate, maybe back in the late summer, when the tea party movement was about to crest, and the Dems hadn't begun their procedural shenanigans, their last minute bribes and arm-twisting and Christmas Eve roll calls. But not now. Opposition hasn't waned, it's intensified. That anger manifested itself a few weeks ago in Massachusett[e]s.
Consider it this way, assume for the sake of argument the Republican leadership follows my advice (which is goofy, I'll admit but work with me). How does the Democrat response make their plan more palatable? "Those darned old Republicans just wouldn't even work with us so we're gonna grab that plunger and shove it through just like we've been threatening to for weeks, for you America."
I just don't see it working to our advantage. But then I'm an idiot.
Update [PA]
Virulent, teabagging racist declares Obama "clueless" and proclaims we're "doomed". Scott Brown? Nope. Palin? Nope. DeLay? Nope. Darth Cheney? Nope. Paul Krugman? Yep. There's nothing to be gained by bipartisan cooperation with "clueless" dipshits who are "dooming" the nation.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:08 PM
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