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December 09, 2009
Robert Gibbs Is A (Unintentionally) Hilarious Man- Republicans Should Stop Playing "The Blame Game"
I presume it's unintentional, could just be stupidity.
After once remarking it was unimaginable that protesters would ever picture George Bush with a Hitler mustache, Gibbsy now says there's nothing to be gained by playing the blame game.
On the lack of bipartisan agreement on ways to stimulate the economy, Gibbs said, “Look, the American people have watched for decades the blame game, all right? If the blame game put people to work, we'd all be rolling in money. The blame game -- I'm glad some people want to continue playing the blame game. That doesn't work. That doesn't get anybody a job. It doesn't cut people's taxes.
What planet does Gibbs live on and do they suffer from Global Climate Change there? Has Gibbs ever heard of a guy named Barack Obama?
In case he hasn't let me introduce them. Obama is the guy who blames Bush for everything from financial meltdowns, record deficits, unprecedented spending, war, plague, pestilence, flatulence and an inability to get Michele Obama to put out a week ago Thursday (actually, that was a case where Bush did Obama a solid).
The idea that the spokesman for this whining, blame deflecting excuse for a President says this with a straight face is simply further proof that liberalism is nothing more than an advanced case of Projection.
Of course, no one in the Obamastream Media will notice.
Baghdad Bob (the original one) emails to say, "Dude, even I don't find you credible".

posted by DrewM. at
04:57 PM
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