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December 05, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Welcome to just another edition of CatSaturday. Now with 6% more spite.
The BMW Police Interceptor
Because sometimes the polizei have to go fast to catch speeders on the autobahn. Or at least that's what they tell the politicians. Here's an interceptor model based on the BMW 123d which has 204 hp, scores a mid-6 second 0-60mph time and gets 40 mpg. The police had the engine boosted to 241 hp. Let's hope they don't end up like the Italians who just totaled their Lamborghini.
More Tranny Watch: Thailand Concerned There's Too Many Trannies, Adding Restrictions.
Ever wondered how internet data gets to you from Europe?
Well it's mostly via undersea cables whose exact locations are kept secret to prevent sabotage. But here are some pictures of what they look like when they come ashore.
One interesting piece of trivia I learned while working on a project that peripherally involved undersea cables is that the fiber optics require repeaters every so many miles and to power these they send DC current along copper cable. Why not AC which is much more efficient over long distances? Well apparently AC attracts sharks who then gnaw on the cables.
Where's AoSHQ Ranked at Wikio?
Sadly at #43.
For the Moronettes: Cheap Undies
Hallstatt, Austria - The Fairy Tale Town
These are not photoshops.
Calculus For Cats
So simple even you could understand it.
UK Burglars Starting to Use Hobo Codes to Mark Houses
The Taliban Workout Video
Apparently the Taliban took over an abandoned US base in Nuristan and put the elliptical trainer left behind to good use. And it appears that some claymores and other weapons got left behind too.
Tonight's post brought to you by Audrey and kitteh:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:00 PM
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