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Top Headline Comments 12-03-09 »
December 02, 2009
Democrats Threaten a "Jobs March on Washington," to (Seriously!) Protest Their Own Feckless Incompetence
There was an early Simpsons that showed a Democratic political rally. The crowd vigorously lifted placards that protested themselves, stating We Can't Govern!
(The Republican rally featured signs that said We Want What's Worst for Everyone!, for those wanting to know the rest of the joke.)
That is the ridiculous image that comes to mind when I read this this.
Members of President Obama’s own political party are charging that the White House and the Democratic Congressional leadership are not doing enough to help the unemployed and are threatening to organize a march on Washington of jobless Americans.
“Obviously there’s something that’s not getting through to them,” said Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Illinois. “And we’re going to let the White House and everybody who’s concerned know that we have got people in our districts who are depending on us to deliver for them.”
Representative Bobby Rush is threatening to stage a march to make sure the "message gets through" to, um, himself, and the president he supports.
Good Lord. It's coming apart now, isn't it?
Larwyn again.