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November 29, 2009
Smart Power(tm) Breakthrough: Iran To Eliminate Expand Nuclear Program
I don't know about you but I'm starting to miss some of that old fashion Dumb Power right about now.
Iran’s Government today announced plans to build ten new uranium enrichment plants and said work would start within two months.
Each site will be the size of the existing Natanz plant with the aim of producing between 250-300 tonnes of uranium a year.
IRNA, Iran’s state news agency, says the Government ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to begin construction of five uranium enrichment sites that have already been studied and propose five other sites for future construction.
Iran's actions came after the IAEA voted to condemn to Iran's nuclear program and called for a halt to it's program. *
Seems they might as well have spiked that vote. On the other hand Vienna, home to the IAEA, is lovely this time of year and I'm sure many diplomats have Christmas shopping to do, so they'll probably at least hold a meeting in the next few weeks. I highly recommend the market at the Rathauspark.
I don't know about you but I'm starting to get the idea Iran wants nuclear weapons more than a chance to, "take its rightful place in the community of nations", which is what Obama keeps insisting they really should want.
Then again, the creases in my pants aren't always immaculate, so what do I know?
*I changed that paragraph because the IAEA had already voted it's resolution. Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a few days. Still, Vienna is lovely this time of year.

posted by DrewM. at
12:14 PM
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