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November 29, 2009
Google "explains" how images of Michelle Obama as a monkey come up in searches
Of course, its all algorithms blah, blah, blah and they screen out offensive stuff ASAP blah, blah, blah. Trust the priesthood. Trust the priesthood. Trust the priesthood.
Curiously, no "explanation" is offered how an image search for "George Bush" has the second image showing Bush eating a kitten, or how the "related searches" feature "suggests" searching on "george bush monkey"
GoogleGate™ anyone? Right, the media will get right on that.
Don't subsidize evil.
Give Bing a try. Bing may produce similar results, but they're not 99% in the bag for Obama wiping their chin off every 5 seconds, and I've found that Bing gives better results that Google. Less drivel, more on target.