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November 23, 2009
Katie Couric Dirty-Dances to Horror of 11-Year-Old Spectator
"Now, if you want to go to Sarah Lawrence, you're going to have to know a few moves..."
Ah, yes. A bit of flirtatious play-lesbianism. Was super-hot in college. And, at age 50... well, still kind of hot, in that desperate "I don't want to die alone" sort of way, but you usually don't do it around your neices.
And then there's this pic:

Cougar? Why I barely even know 'er!
By the way, Nina Hartley just called, she wants her AVN-nominated performance in Ready, Willing, and Anal back. (And yeah, 1992 just called me, they want their dated jokes back.)
These pics are pretty old, actually -- from 2006, during the after-party celebrating Couric's elevation to CBS anchor, but they're just being circulated now.
Couple more at the link.
Charlie Gibson just emailed me to say "I have never seen that woman before in my life. And what is a woman?"
P-Shop: From old/dirty/b-tard.