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November 20, 2009
UN: we need to synergize all those fake AGW results with social population data and gender research
Ah yes, a delicious stew of questionable/fake (pseudo)hard science heavily seasoned with some dubious sociology and extra dubious gender studies. What a treat it will be to slug down that tasty meal eh? A feast of heavenly dimension for sure. (on page 69 of 104)
...Although population data are generally regarded as among the success stories of social science, their integration with the developing science of climate change and its human dimensions remains poor. This applies not only to the influence of population growth on greenhouse-gas emissions and climate change adaptation, but also to the interactions with climate change of such other population dynamics as migration, urbanization and changing age structures.
More work is also required to understand the interactions between gender and climate change. Few data sets related to natural disasters or other potential climate change impacts have been disaggregated by sex...
Pardon me while I go chug a gallon of Alka-Seltzer. I feel like I just ate some nasty month old road kill seasoned with floor sweepings from the local auto repair shop.