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November 19, 2009
Oh Dear: Rubio Within Ten of Crist; Palin Favorables Up
But I don't know if I trust this stuff -- after all, AllahPundit is notorious for cherry-picking only happy, upbeat news to report.
Palin's favorables remain kind of weak -- remember, Obama's got something like a 56-60% personal favorability rating, depending on the poll; and yet his actual approval rate, as in job approval, is at least ten point lower.
It's good that her favorability rating is climbing, now up to a very ehhh 47-42. But John McCain got creamed in an election with a favorability rating of like 56% or something.
On the other hand...
[Obama's] possible opponent in the 2012 elections trails him in personal favorability by only seven points (54 percent to 47 percent). Among the critical segment of independent voters, they are virtually even (Obama at 50 percent; Palin at 49 percent).
Allah notes the poll is a bit skewed towards Republicans (for once!), but that independent segment should be unaffected by that.
Still, personal favorability, while meaningful, is just not the same as "I'd vote for her."
Meanwhile, a Kos poll says Rubio is on Crist's heels. And Kos thinks Crist is done as a Republican candidate, for what that's worth.
Done as a Republican candidate, that is. We now have to worry he'll run as an Independent, or even -- as Kos urges -- a Democrat.
And I suspect we will hear of some exploration of these possibilities, confirming Republicans' worst fears about him.