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November 18, 2009
Law & Order Episode: Evil Pharmaceutical Companies Are Tricking Sick People Into Taking Life-Extending Drugs, Which Is Why We Need ObamaCare
As anyone who watched, and then stopped watching, L&O knows, about ten years back the show got jaded and bored with the whole "murder" thing. The show stopped being about the murders themselves -- who cares about murder, anyway? -- and almost always turn into a liberal soapbox as McCoy went beyond the murder itself, to the real malefactors, the people whose corrupt system caused the murder due to their greed. And those Evil Republican Types became the show's real villains, week after week, as murderers were excused as being essentially dupes of "the real killers."
So here we go again. Now, we are told, the "real killers" are drug-makers selling life-extending but very expensive drugs. And we need a little ObamaCare, a little rational rationing, to keep the scourge of life-extending drugs away from an abused public.