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November 17, 2009
Awesomely Awesome Pick Results
Ben puts us some f'n knowledge.
buzzion 88
Superfly TNT 85
Aewl 85
People's Republic of Baltimore 85
Monkey Sleeping 84
Paranoid Polly 84
Red State NY 83
Jay in Ames 83
Nam Grunt 81
Michael in MI 81
Sock Puppet Steve 81
Murph 81
Svenster61 81
Martinis at Night 81
Dave R 80
Paulie's Outlaws 80
You all are doing pretty well and I hate your guts.
Exit question: Is Bud Adams insane or just ugly and despised?
I know, trick question.
Additional thought, which I had earlier today but man today was a killer; a quarter of a million ain't jack to Bud but how much less you think it'd be if Goodell wasn't laser focused on keeping "undesirable" owners out of the "image-conscious" league?

posted by Dave In Texas at
02:18 PM
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