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November 17, 2009
Give An Ewok A Flea Dip
Good morning, Morons!
This is a fundraising post for Ace, initiated by the cobloggers, once again, without his knowledge or consent.
He'll probably either delete this or kick one of us out, or both, which is why we're not saying whose idea it was right now.
Ok, never mind, it was totally Drew. Sorry man. Forgot to tell you that I'm a coward.
Anyhow, we think he's been on a good roll lately.
If you agree and would like to refill your prescription, now would be a good time to give him a virtual 'Atta Boy!' and tap that little Paypal button on the left sidebar.
You do not need a Paypal account to donate.
If you don't know this already, King Moron makes his actual living off this blog. It is a pathetic existence.
He supplements it with side work that is not only demeaning and despicable, but takes time away from his core duty, which is to entertain you.
If you think his main line of business is worth supporting, please flip Ace a tip, for being one of the most prolific rightwing bloggers on the 'net.
We're hoping a little cash infusion will help Ace quit his 'night jobs' and update his wardrobe. If all goes right, this is the guy you'll be getting your pic taken with at the April meetup in Las Vegas.
He rollin' they hatin'
Slushop courtesy of Slublog, Inc.

posted by Laura. at
04:00 PM
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