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November 16, 2009
AP Buries the Lede: Obama Will Seek Tax Increases Next Year
Remember that giggle-fit-inducing story that Obama was going to be a deficit hawk?
Well, there are two ways to cut a deficit: the right way, and the liberal way.
AP buries a major lede.
Orszag has said the spending blueprint, for the budget year that begins Oct. 1, 2010, would put the nation "back on a fiscally sustainable path" and suggested it would include a mix of spending cuts and new revenue-producing measures.
Revenue-producing measures? What could that be? I guess since we now own two car companies, he might mean producing revenue through selling eighty gazillion cars, eh?
David Fredosso reminds that the last time a president pushed through tax hikes before a midterm, there was a seismic earthquake. Why, the nation "threw a temper tantrum," as Peter Jennings sniped.