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November 11, 2009
DrewM. and I have been kicking around an idea with increasing seriousness. It's premature to write about this, as I have a lot of "ideas" that remain firmly in the realm of ideation, and there's nothing really I need from you guys now, but as I've been talking about it for an hour, might as well get a blog post about it.
With increasing seriousness, we are discussing the possibility of a right-wing blogocentric (but not blog-exclusive by any means; we'd be looking to tap into the Tea Party movement, for example) version of the Yearly Kos (now called "Netroots Nation").
My blog itself is too small in readership to support something like this (although the similarly-sized RedState just pulled it off in Atlanta), but we're thinking partner up with a lot of other blogs, pull in all that collected audience, and then see what happens, in terms of questionnaires and response rates and hard commitments.
We have a name but I'm not spilling. Nothing to do with "Ace."
The only idea I am definite on is that it is not going to be held at some dreary city like DC. It's going to be in Vegas, or Miami, or Coronado Island off of San Diego, or someplace fun like that that caters to tourists. If you've ever traveled for political stuff, you know that all too often you wind up in dreary DC in the wintertime, and it feels very much like a working vacation. Or... just work.
Basically, I think if you're paying to travel, you should be having fucking margaritas or something, not shivering your ass off in freezing rain.
We don't have a lot of of ideas besides that, except we'd try to get a few people like Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham to come and give a speech or something. Obviously we'd put the word out to big-name politicians who wouldn't mind free airfare and hotel in a destination city (and I guess an "honorarium," maybe three free drink tickets at the local Laff Factory).
And we'd have to partner up with some or other sponsor.
Who? I don't know. Chico's Bail Bonds.
I guess there's no point asking "Are you interested?" because you liars will all say you are, like you said when I asked if you really wanted t-shirts. (Kidding...)
Just tossing it out there.
Oh: What I do need is for people who can add credibility to this to say "Yeah, I'd probably come" without actually offering a commitment. Like name-type people. Like, just so we can use your name to get other suckers to commit to coming.
Like Fred Thompson.
You don't even have to mean it. Just let us claim it.