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Tremor: Republicans Now Have Same 4% Edge in Generic Congressional Ballot They Had in 1994 »
November 11, 2009
Nelson Says "For Sure" He'll Vote Against Any Healthcare Bill that Has a Public Option or Lacks an Abortion Coverage Ban
"Well, first of all, it has more than a robust public option, it's got a totally government-run plan, the costs are extraordinary associated with it, it increases taxes in a way that will not pass in the Senate and I could go on and on and on," Nelson said in an interview that is part of ABC News' Subway Series with Jonathan Karl.
"Faced with a decision about whether or not to move a bill that is bad, I won't vote to move it," he added. "For sure."
There is one thing about the House bill, however, that Nelson does like: the strict ban on any abortion coverage by insurance plans bought with government subsidies. Unless the Senate bill includes a similar provision, Nelson said, he'll vote against it.
"Federal taxpayer money ought not to be used to fund abortions," Nelson said. "So whether it is subsidies on premiums or whether it is tax credits or whatever it is...it should not be used to fund abortions."
The clearest signal yet from the Blue Senator from a Red State that he's not going to go along with the Democratic plan to cripple our nation's healthcare system. The Democrats need all of their senators, plus both Independents, if they want to get cloture on a healthcare bill (unless Republican squishes decide to cross the aisle).

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:59 AM
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