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November 09, 2009
CNN Struggles More But the Damned Facts Keep Coming Out UPDATED
I'm beginning to wonder about their sanity. Will they crack up in their defense of the indefensible narrative?
The damned pesky quote is at the beginning of the interview, Pvt. Foster says "when the assailant stood up, screamed, and yelled "Allah Akbar in Arabic and he opened fire."
Second row. Wounded. Eye witness with a bullet in his hip.
A bit later in the CNN interview:
ROBERTS: So you were acting like a soldier. You were acting heroically. We should point out that you're with the 20th Engineer Battalion and despite your best efforts and I guess the efforts of your comrades, as well, four members of the battalion were killed, 10 others were injured. And you were shot in the hip and you didn't realize it at the time?
Foster: I had realized it at first, but with that much adrenaline, you tend to forget things.
He's answering a question about being wounded, and ignoring it to help his comrades.
The CNN report this evening: (link in the Mudville post)
"I was sitting in about the second row back when the assailant stood up and yelled 'Allah Akbar' in Arabic and he opened fire," Foster, 21, said Monday on CNN's "American Morning."
Foster said he wasn't sure "Allahu Akbar" was exactly what Hasan said, noting that "with that much adrenaline, you tend to forget things."
This is a head fake, they're banking on the answer "I believe so sir" when he was asked again "we had heard reports of that, but nothing confirmed, but you were there, that's what you heard?" Of course later they completely rewrote the context. And they hope the the Army investigators put the lid down on more eyewitness accounts of what they saw and heard.
It's gonna be a bad week for that chicken.
via sarahk47, twitter.
UPDATE: It's been scrubbed, see additional info at Mudville.
posted by Dave In Texas at
11:11 PM
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