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November 05, 2009
Post-Racial President Marks Historic Win By Reaffirming Commitment To Blaming The White Man
Obama's not voting 'Present', he's voting "Past".
A year after his historic election, President Barack Obama sought to remind Americans on Wednesday the biggest problems he is grappling with -- from the economy to the war in Afghanistan -- are the legacy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
... "One year ago, Americans all across this country went to the polls and cast ballots for the future they wanted to see," Obama said.
But he said his administration was also confronted with a "financial crisis that threatened to plunge our economy into a Great Depression, the worst that we've seen in generations."
"We had record deficits, two wars, frayed alliances around the world," Obama added.
He said his administration had acted swiftly to save the economy from "imminent collapse."
Let's consider what the Bush administration was facing on the one year anniversary of election day...a terror attack that left 3,000 people dead, an economy already in recession after their predecessors tech bubble run and now damaged by fear and uncertainty. They were also a whole month into the war in Afghanistan and listening to likes of the NY Times compare the campaign to the 'quagmire' of Vietnam.
But of course we all remember how Bush for months, if not years, blamed Bill Clinton for spending too much time screwing around with the interns when he should have been going after al Qaeda.
Bush was a leader. Obama is a whiner.
Keep fucking that chicken Barack. It's a sure winner.
*New headline from Ace

posted by DrewM. at
10:51 AM
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