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George Stephanopoulos: Last Night's Elections Big Referendum With National Implications... For Sarah Palin »
November 04, 2009
Teachable Moment: Rather Than Watching Election Returns, Obama Watches... Documentary About Himself and His Historic Win and How Generally Wicked-Awesome He Is
And that documentary was named "V."
No, but really, he watched the other Obama documentary on last night, the one on HBO.
"This election is not about Obama," Gibbs tells us.
Dude, seriously? What the hell happens in Obama's blessed life that isn't about Obama?
Genius Christmas! How long is this malignant narcissist going to stroke himself over the single accomplishment on his adult resume? How many victory laps is this guy going to take? At what point is he going to stop admiring his splendor in the mirror and start taking a hard look at the unemployment numbers?
More: 11 more school songs praising Obama found.
Thanks for both to Breitbart's twitter feed.