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November 04, 2009
Obama's Big Win of the Night: Voters Repeal Maine's Gay-Marriage Law, Outlawing It Once Again
"Obama is against Same-Sex Marriage, so he might get a win in Maine!" -- justkarl, on Twitter
And so he has.
Gay-marriage opponents are claiming victory in a closely watched referendum in Maine on a new state law that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed.
The law in question was passed by the Legislature in May but never took effect because of a petition drive by conservatives.
With more than 84 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday, the side seeking to repeal the law had 53 percent of the vote. Their campaign organizer, Frank Schubert, claimed victory and declared that Maine voters had helped preserve the institution of marriage.
Gay-marriage supporters refused to concede, holding out hope that that the tide might turn as the final returns came in. They had been hoping Maine would become the first state to approve same-sex marriage at the ballot box.
Thanks Obama! That was a close one! Whew!
Oh, and by the way, we quickly have to embrace gay marriage because opposing it is so obviously a losing issue.
I mean, the anti-gay-marriage forces can only manage a bare majority in the Deep South states of California and Maine.