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November 01, 2009
It's Official: Scozzafava Endorses The Democrat Against Hoffman
And there it is.
You know me, and throughout my career, I have been always been an independent voice for the people I represent. I have stood for our honest principles, and a truthful discussion of the issues, even when it cost me personally and politically. Since beginning my campaign, I have told you that this election is not about me; it’s about the people of this District.
It is in this spirit that I am writing to let you know I am supporting Bill Owens for Congress and urge you to do the same.
It’s not in the cards for me to be your representative, but I strongly believe Bill is the only candidate who can build upon John McHugh's lasting legacy in the U.S. Congress. John and I worked together on the expansion of Fort Drum and I know how important that base is to the economy of this region. I am confident that Bill will be able to provide the leadership and continuity of support to Drum Country just as John did during his tenure in Congress.
In Bill Owens, I see a sense of duty and integrity that will guide him beyond political partisanship. He will be an independent voice devoted to doing what is right for New York. Bill understands this district and its people, and when he represents us in Congress he will put our interests first.
Please join me in voting for Bill Owens on Tuesday. To address the tough challenges ahead, we must rise above partisanship and politics and work together. There's too much at stake in this election to do otherwise.
I really hope someone is going to primary her next year for her Assembly seat.
Added: Scozzafava's hissy fit is understandable on two levels, she's pissed at Hoffman and she does agree with Owens more. So on a human level I get it.
What it is not is forgivable. Someone needs to run against her for her Assembly seat and failing that, support should be given to her Democratic challenger. Trust me on this, one more or less Republican of any stripe is of no consequence there. Right now it's 110 Democrats and 40 Republicans. As long as NYC remains part of NY State, that's not changing.
Thanks to @jaketapper for the heads up, even if he is a Phillies fan.

posted by DrewM. at
03:38 PM
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