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October 30, 2009
Not So Fast. Bill Ayers Visted The White House UPDATE: And Jeremiah Wright Too! UPDATE X2: Maybe Not That Ayers?
Eh, settle down. As Andy Levey notes, this transparency thing is about as helpful as the no fly list.
The White House says some of these are "false positives"
A lot of people visit the White House, up to 100,000 each month, with many of those folks coming to tour the buildings. Given this large amount of data, the records we are publishing today include a few “false positives” – names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else. In September, requests were submitted for the names of some famous or controversial figures (for example Michael Jordan, William Ayers, Michael Moore, Jeremiah Wright, Robert Kelly ("R. Kelly"), and Malik Shabazz). The well-known individuals with those names never actually came to the White House. Nevertheless, we were asked for those names and so we have included records for those individuals who were here and share the same names.
Still looks like George Soros is legit, so there's that.
Sorry about jumping on that too soon gang.
Original posts below the fold.
Above the post update:
Clouthier says it may not be that William Ayers.
The visitor log says it's William A. Ayers and the William Ayers is William C. Ayers. There are two entries for Ayers, one with a middle initial, one without, so it could still be but caution on that.
Original Post:
Just a guy from the old neighborhood in Chicago stopping by.
Where in the world did that Snowbilly Palin ever get the idea Obama was paling around with him?
Or maybe they were just discussing the possibility of working on another book project together.
What's the old saying about judging someone by the company they keep?
Looks like the whole gang is back together!
Michael Moore, Al Sharpton and George Soros to name but a few.
Soros actually makes sense. He wants to check up on his investment and see what all his money bought.
It's like Where's Waldo? Who can you find?
As the White House says, "Transparency like you’ve never seen before"
H/T Frank J.

posted by DrewM. at
05:24 PM
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