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October 30, 2009
Potential Deal Reached In Honduras
Looks like there will be a temporary power sharing agreement that lets Zelaya back in but with some limitations on his power.
The deal, struck late on Thursday, will allow the country's Congress to vote on whether Mr. Zelaya, forced out of power at gunpoint on June 28, can return to oversee the country's national elections scheduled for November 29 and serve out his term, which ends in January.
...U.S. officials and many analysts were confident the deal would hold. Among other things, it calls for a government of national unity and for all sides to recognize the result of the November election. It also would restrict Mr. Zelaya's power if he does return through several means, including handing power of the armed forces temporarily to the top electoral body.
It's not a done deal yet as many in the Honduran Congress aren't thrilled with letting this little Chavez wanna be anywhere near the levers of power.
Here are the bits that bother me.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Islamabad, called it "an historic agreement," saying it was the first time that a Latin American country had suffered a break in the constitutional order that had been normalized through talks and non-violence.
...If the deal holds, it will go down as a foreign policy victory for Obama administration, which sent a high-level diplomatic mission to Honduras earlier this week to secure a deal after five months of one of Latin America's biggest political crisis in years.
Screw them. The Obama administration has bungled this from the start. What the Honduran's did was well within their legal framework and we should have supported them as they worked through this crisis.
The fact that the United States took the side of two-bit thug and punished a small country for having the temerity to chose the rule of law over tyranny. The fact that we were on the wrong side of this fight from the get go is not a victory but a mark of shame we will carry for a long while.
Good luck to the Honduran people and please know that what Obama did was Not In My Name.

posted by DrewM. at
04:53 PM
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