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October 30, 2009
Pataki Endorses Hoffman; DKos Un-Endorses Scozzofluffernutter
Whatever her name is.
Former NY Governor George Pataki has long had hopes of running for the presidency, but the knock on him was always that he was too moderate -- or liberal -- for the national GOP. So what's this?
As someone personally engaged in the way of life in the Adirondacks and Northern New York, I’m deeply concerned about the course of our nation and the outcome of the election in the 23rd Congressional District.
Simply put, we cannot afford to give another vote to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid we cannot afford another vote for higher taxes, we cannot afford another vote for government run health care and we absolutely cannot afford another vote to take away from hard working men and women the right to secret ballot.
That is why tonight, I’m proud to endorse Doug Hoffman, a Republican, running on the Conservative line for Congress in the 23rd Congressional District.
Doug Hoffman will stand up to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. He will fight for all the residents of northern New York. He will fight for our proud servicemen and women at Fort Drum, our dairy farmers in Lowville and our manufacturers in Plattsburgh.
As a businessman, and as a life-long resident of the North Country Doug Hoffman understands the need to lower taxes on working families, the need to stand tall against terror and he won’t back phony stimulus programs that fail to create the jobs we need and leaves a mountain of debt to our children.
When elected to Congress Doug will work to reduce our taxes, he will stand tall against those who despise our freedoms and he will be a vigilant stalwart against those who would substitute government programs for individual initiative.
And Doug Hoffman can win.
I urge all the voters of the 23rd Congressional District – Republican Democrat, Independent and Conservative to come out and vote for Doug Hoffman for Congress.
Politico notes that old Pataki aides are helping out Scozzofava -- so he must be pretty sold on Hoffman, or know that Scozzofava has no chance. Or both.
Newt Gingrich just emailed me to say that George Pataki should leave New York state politics to New Yorkers, such as himself.
Meanwhile, Markos Zippittydoodah or whatever his name is (damn these inconveniently named ethnic-types) is walking back his endorsement of Scozzofava.
The reason seems to be his cute endorsement has backfired, and he's being blamed for the rise of Hoffman.
Previously, after detailing the various reasons why Scozzofunstuff would be a superior Representative to Democrat Owens, Kos wrote:
...So it's official, I'm rooting for the Republican to win.
Which he now says was not, in fact, an endorsement:
I have no love for the Democrat, Owens, and I clearly have no love for Scozzafava in that post, so only an idiot would construe that as an "endorsement". An endorsement implies love for the candidate being endorsed. I wish nothing but ill will for all candidates in this race. But the GOP is full of idiots, and they've run strong with it, making my "endorsement" part of their anti-Scozzafava narrative. And now we're in a situation in which the conservative candidate Doug Hoffman has a real chance of performing better than the Republican.
When that fails to convince:
So I'm no longer rooting for a Scozzafava victory. That gets us nothing. And I'm not rooting for a Hoffman victory, and I'm certainly not rooting for Owens because I'm over Lieberdems.
I'll leave it to others to try and squeeze out my "endorsement" from that steaming pile of dog s--t.
But I'm rather pleased I've been used to attack Scozzafava by the likes of Club for Growth and Glenn Beck. Such mischief is almost Rovian!
Well, Rove's last bit of mischief was to lose the 2006 midterms.
Is that the "Rovian mischief" Kos has in mind here?
Ah: Pataki well-covered last night by Slublog.
This is not a repost. This is a recontextualization.