� Top Headline Comments 10-30-09 |
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October 30, 2009
More Thin-Skinned "Attacks" From the White House
This time aimed at Edmunds.com, who pointed out yesterday the Cash for Clunkers program was a clunker.
We're being governed by a bunch of emo pukes.
From the White House blog:
On the same day that we found out that motor vehicle output added 1.7% to economic growth in the third quarter � the largest contribution to quarterly growth in over a decade � Edmunds.com has released a faulty analysis suggesting that the Cash for Clunkers program had no meaningful impact on our economy or on overall auto sales. This is the latest of several critical �analyses� of the Cash for Clunkers program from Edmunds.com, which appear designed to grab headlines and get coverage on cable TV
I suppose this is the kind of reaction you'd expect from people whose job is to make shit up and sell it as something it most certainly is not. And a lot of numbskulls who buy into any Obama plan (because it's from His Awesomeness) will surely pump their little fists in the air and say "Yeah!", but they really don't need convincing, do they?
I'm just a moron, but I think Shakespeare's point was something along the lines of protesting too loudly kinda makes you look bad.
MISSED THIS: LauraW and techie point out the sophisticated high-brow rhetoric in the piece really shows those Edmunds guys they're all wrong.
In other words, all the other cars were being sold on Mars, while the rest of the country was caught up in the excitement of the Cash for Clunkers program..
Edmunds.com, on the other hand, is promoting a bombastic press release without any public access to their underlying analysis.
So put on your space suit and compare the two approaches yourself:
Whining truth to power.
via eddiebear over at H2, where the MOM! thing is a bit of a running gag, which I'm more than happy to swipe.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:28 AM
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