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October 22, 2009
More on Failed "Doctor's Fix": Reid Whines About Republicans, Ignores Democrats Who Bailed
The vote was 53 to 47. That's 12 Democrats and Joe Lieberman voting with the Republicans. Naturally, Reid blames the GOP:
Reid angrily blamed the loss on bad intelligence from the American Medical Association, which he said promised him 27 Republican votes (he got none), as well as Republican dirty tricks designed to impede Democrats' progress on meaningful reform.
He made no mention of the 13 Democrats who sided with Republicans with statements of concern over ballooning deficits and budget overruns, nor that the Medicare measure failed to get even a simple majority of senators.
"I want everyone within the sound of my voice to understand that Washington is being driven by a small number of people on that side of the aisle that are preventing us from doing things that help the American people," Reid said. "We're not trying to run over people with the 60 votes we have. We want to work with people. We want to get along."
A small number of people? Obviously, Harry Reid can't count. No wonder he failed to find out how many Republicans he really had before bringing this to a vote. Heck, he didn't even bother finding out how many Democrats he had.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:33 AM
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