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October 16, 2009
FY 2009 Federal Deficit Terrifyingly Huge
Friday afternoon news dump.
The Obama administration said Friday the deficit for the fiscal year just ended was $1.4 trillion, the largest relative to the size of the economy since 1945, underscoring the challenge to shrink the fiscal gap even as the White House and Congress consider further steps to stimulate a slow recovery.
The final tally for fiscal 2009, which ended Sept. 30, was nearly $1 trillion greater than the $459 billion deficit for fiscal 2008. This year’s deficit translates to nearly 10 percent of the size of the economy, up from 3.2 percent of gross domestic product for last year’s deficit, according to a joint statement from the Treasury Department and the Office of Management and Budget.
We are just so screwed it's not even funny.
Government spending last year jumped to $3.52 trillion, up 18.2 percent over 2008. The $700 billion financial bailout fund and increased spending and tax relief from the $787 billion economic stimulus program that Obama pushed through Congress in February drove the increase.
For September, a month when the government usually records surpluses, the deficit totaled $46.6 billion. That's a sharp contrast to the $45.7 billion surplus in September 2008, the last time the government's books were in the black.
In issuing the final budget figures, top administration officials said the president was determined to get control of the deficits in coming years.
"It was critical that we acted to bring the economy back from the brink earlier this year," White House budget director Peter Orszag said in a statement. "The president recognizes that we need to put the nation back on a fiscally sustainable path."
That's a little like resuscitating a guy who had a heart attack on the way to his execution. Yeah, he's alive but for how much longer?
When confronted with something this unsustainable there's only two things to be done.
1- Spend untold trillions more taking over the nation's health insurance system.
2- Blame Bush.

posted by DrewM. at
05:33 PM
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