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October 16, 2009
CNN, HuffPo Retract Fake Limbaugh "Quotes"
As Allah says, no harm in fact-checking now that the purpose of the quotes has been achieved.
Still not retracting: Charles Johnson and MSNBC.
The Washington Post continues giving smearer Michael Wilbon big play. He gets to write a column where he quickly acknowledges the quotes are fake (probably -- hey, we only have Rush's word for this, he implies, so the quotes may be true), and then suggests he's a racist anyway:
I've met Limbaugh. I communicated with him last week on the issue of his being a part-owner of a franchise. One-on-one, he comes across as approachable and open to pretty much any discussion. But his radio persona is another thing. I don't listen to his show because his comments about people of color anger and offend me, and I'm not easily offended. I'm not going to try and give specific examples of things he has said over the years; I screwed up already doing that, repeating a quote attributed to Limbaugh (about slavery) that he has told me he simply did not say and does not reflect his feelings. I take him at his word.
But Limbaugh has long history of the same insults and race baiting, to the point of declaring he hoped the President of the United States, a black man, fails. I never understood why someone with Limbaugh's gift for communication was so nasty and, in my opinion, gave cover to bigots everywhere under the guise of conservatism. Clearly I'm not alone.
"I take him at his word." As if Rush's word is the only evidence here.
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence the words were simply never stated -- except by a leftwing agitator who made them up and posted them on the internet. Wilbon's fake retraction doesn't acknowledge that fact -- merely that Limbaugh has personally denied the quote. And why listen to him? He's a known racist. After all, you know he defended slavery, right?
Anderson Cooper, meanwhile, makes a point of noting these quotes weren't used on his program, but doesn't admit they were in fact spread on CNN by drunken manslaughter enthusiast Rick Sanchez.