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October 11, 2009
Rupert Murdoch Joins Ted Stevens In The Ranks of Internet Super-Geniusdom (chad)
Ranting before a group of news executives in Bejing Murdoch accused Google and other news aggregators of stealing his content. Their crime? Sending users to his sites via hyperlinks where they are exposed to all those lovely revenue generating ads.
In Murdoch's world making him money = stealing.
The funny thing is that, as Newsweek points out, Google makes it possible to prevent their bots from indexing his sites. So why doesn't News Corp (and AP et. al.)implement that fix? My guess, because someone who actually understands the internet know that referrals from aggregators increase revenues but they want a convient excuse to implement a pay for content model.

posted by xgenghisx at
07:23 PM
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