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October 11, 2009
70 Years Ago (Mætenloch)
Thanks to the LA Times' Daily Mirror blog here is the Los Angeles Times front page from October 2, 1939. What we know as WWII had just broken out a month before, Poland had been overrun, and the rest of Europe was in the Phoney War hoping that a peace settlement could be negotiated.
It's always interesting to look at old papers to see what everyone worried about at the time. Of course we have the advantage now of knowing how things turned out and what was really important. But just remember that people weren't really any stupider back then than now. Most of our headlines are just noise too and we're likely missing out on important trends that will be obvious to those reading them in 2040.
[click on the image to see the full-sized version]

posted by xgenghisx at
04:19 PM
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