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He's not interested in what?! (tmi3rd) »
September 26, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Good evening all morons and moronettes. Welcome to Caturday.
Guess the number of kittens for a prize.*
Item #1: The Glamour of Soviet Russian Space Flight
These are photos from the return of Soyuz TMA-11 from the International Space Station in April of last year. Due to a malfunction it entered the atmosphere at a much steeper angle than normal and landed 475km off target. It was unusual in that it was the first non-solo spaceflight with a majority female crew. Of course the head of the Russian Space Agency blamed this for the problems and pledged to avoid the situation in the future. New policy: chicks don't drive the Soyuz.
After the retirement of the shuttle next year, this will be the only way to get to and from the ISS. I snark, but if offered a chance to go, I'd take it in a nanosecond.
Item #2: Amazing 3-D Floor Art
Artist Kurt Wenner is known for creating chalk floor art that gives the illusion that it's actually 3-D. It only works from one angle but it's pretty amazing.
Tonight's post brought to you by kittehs and Swayzes:
* Winners will become part of the "I's a Moron Who Can Count" club and will be allowed to purchase official t-shirts at a later date.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:40 PM
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