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September 25, 2009
Death of Britain Watch, Part LXXII (Mætenloch)
Yeah this drum has been beat pretty hard, but yet the march continues...
Christian hotel owners arrested after defending their beliefs in discussion with Muslim guest
Note that this was simply a discussion, but the Muslim woman was offended and so they were arrested.
Home Office staff told not to eat in front of Muslims during Ramadan
Because it might make them hungry. Even Muslim groups think this is over the top.
Christian nurse told to remove cross necklace
Not because of its religious nature but because they're afraid a patient might grab it. So they claim.
Note that in all of these cases laws and regulations are applied only to Christians while Muslims are given extra protection and deference. I believe it was Mark Steyn who noted that Islam is becoming the de facto state religion of Britain since it seems to enjoy protections and privileges not offered to any other faith. Once the government starts subsidizing mosques, the process will be pretty much over.
But there's more...
School lunch lady fired for telling parents their daughter had been tied up and whipped by school bullies
They claim she violated the student's confidentiality. I guess the parents weren't supposed to know.
Father carrying out citizen's arrest on delinquents gets arrested by police
After being pelted by teenagers for 3 nights in a row, he tried to restrain one of them and called the police. The police show up 5 days later and arrest him; the youths are let go.
To paraphrase Dennis Prager when you're kind to the cruel, you always end up being cruel to the kind. Note that in both cases the actual offenders went unpunished - only the decent people were punished.
Yeah all of these are isolated incidents covered in a tabloidy way, but when all of the isolated data points fall in the same direction, it becomes a trend. And it's not a good one for the UK. I just hope that they haven't passed the tipping point.

posted by xgenghisx at
01:18 PM
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