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September 24, 2009
Hollywood needs to choose a lead. [krakatoa]
Nobody chases down more stories, does more hard-hitting reporting, or asks more probing questions, than ExtraTV. A year ago they asked a question that should be given some serious consideration now.
To whit: Who should play Barack Obama in the movie of his life?
Yes, it's only been 8 months, give or take a lifetime's worth of legislative gutshots, but in light of all the things we now know about Obama, and all the new things we are learning, it's high time to roll up our sleeves and start the process.
I think you would have to go with someone that has a track record of nuanced performances capturing the subtle essences of his role, while never letting you forget that he is the ultimate Alpha metrosexual.
Therefore, I have in mind that singular talent who made us all sigh, cry, laugh, and stand up and cheer as he garnered numerous accolades in such seminal films such as The Defiant One, Remember the Titans, Hotel Rwanda, and Ray.
I present to you what I believe to be the only man who could possibly carry off the monumental task of portraying the Won.

Brian Dennehy in his powerful one-man show "Stop me if you've heard this one." How one man overcame an inconvenient death at Chappaquiddick.
UPDATE: How could I have forgotten the supporting cast?
Can we do better than Y-not's suggestion for Michelle's part?
Michelle should be played by Patrick Ewing.
How about Rahm Emmanuel?
Bo the Portuguese Water Dog?
Eric Holder?
The Sheriff, Joe Biden?
Have fun, but PLEASE: Do us all a favor, and set your boundary to adults only. Their kids don't deserve any ridicule.
UPDATE part Dur: You might also want to give some thought to who will portray their infant/childhood/teen lives as well.
I still say Dennehy has the chops to play all stages of Obama's life (Especially the infant - God, can anyone sell the runaway stroller scene better than that man?) - but there are some great suggestions in the comments so far.
Don't bother casting for the epilogue scenes. Those parts will by played by a variety of road-kill.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:59 PM
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